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No country and no one can achieve sustainable economic development without education and substantial investment in human capital. Education enriches people's understandings of themselves and therefore, access to education can improve the economic outcomes and determine the prospects of future generations at all especially in poor and war affected countries.

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Agricultural sectors play a strategic role within economic development of a poor and war affected country. Increase in agricultural production leads to an increased demand in industrial sectors and gradually dissolves the food poverty and leads to a sustainable country.

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Supporting the vulnerable individuals and families, cope with crises and shocks, advocacy for human and child rights and improving productivity. NAO covers the range of policies and procedures and needed to reduce the lifelong consequences of poverty to include social protection schemes that are important tools to reduce poverty and inequality.

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No country and no one can achieve sustainable economic development without education and substantial investment in human capital. Education enriches people’s understandings of themselves and therefore, access to education can improve the economic outcomes and determine the prospects of future generations at all especially in poor and war affected countries. It increases the propensity for better employment opportunities and boosts
economic growth and increases the self-dependency of the country.

  • To provided education in emergency (EiE) and establishing community base schools.
  • To provide and support high quality primary, secondary and high school education for boys and girls to enable them live better lives.
  • To support and provide higher education that responds to the needs of students in the market and enable them to secure meaningful employment.
  • To build the capacity of school teachers and university instructors by providing trainings and other interventions.
  • To provided literacy training to the illiterate adult.
  • To eliminate gender disparity in education at all levels to provide equal opportunities for women and girls particularly with respect to employment.
  • To facilitate civic education and public awareness programs to encourage community to permit their children for schooling.


Agricultural sectors play a strategic role within economic development of a poor and war affected country. Increase in agricultural production leads to an increased demand in industrial sectors and gradually dissolves the food poverty and leads to a sustainable country. Further, increase in agriculture is one of the most powerful method to end extreme poverty. Agriculture is one of the main sources of the employments livelihood and income for significant percentage of the population. It plays essential role within the economy of the country and globally. Under agriculture, NAO is working in the following areas/programs.

  • To develop adaptation strategies based on impact scenarios of water availability, accessibility and crop yield in all major and minor agro zones.
  • To develop innovative agriculture monitoring systems to include assist and provision of method and trainings on how to fumigate, irrigate and feasibility studies and project implementations of irrigation directly from natural sources.
  • Develop the capacity at national and provincial levels for farmers to collect harvests.
  • Provide information on the productivity of agricultural current systems with consideration of the season change to include climate change impacts.
  • Provide basic, medium and high level training on agro impact scenarios, training materials and to sharing best practice and knowledge management.
  • To develop and to effectively provide appropriate agricultural information in order to increase awareness.
  • To develop and implement fumigation projects in order to protect and eliminate pests and insects from agro farms.
  • To develop and implement irrigation project for delivering water from natural sources and wheels to agro farms.
  • To develop and implement the green houses in order to increase the harvest of the farms and increase availability of the fresh vegetables due to course of the year.
  • To implement planting for harvest and provide farmers with seeds in order to increase planting.
  • To provide standard operating procedures and training for animal husbandries and poultry programs.


Supporting the vulnerable individuals and families, cope with crises and shocks, advocacy for human and child rights and improving productivity. NAO covers the range of policies and procedures and needed to reduce the lifelong consequences of poverty to include social protection schemes that are important tools to reduce poverty and inequality. Further invest in the health and education of their children, and protect the aging population. That is why for us social protection is not option but rather is a necessary component strategy of NAO for working out of poverty. Under social protection, NAO is working in the following areas/programs.

  • To support development of sustainable, small and medium sized community based enterprises in different sectors to promote better livelihoods and create higher standards of living.
  • To eliminate harmful practices and all forms of violence against women and girls to uphold and protect their rights as equal and dignified members of the community.
  • To advocate for the eradication of all forms of social, cultural and economic discrimination against women to afford them with equal rights and access to opportunities and resources, including land and property.
  • To provide peace building and conflict resolution training to promote security, stability and rule of law in communities.
  • To provide vocational and on-the-job skills training based on a comprehensive needs identification process including labor market analysis to facilitate greater employment opportunities.
  • To build the capacity of youth through trainings and leadership opportunities to facilitate a greater role in community and civic life.
  • To provide the human rights, peace building and conflict resolution trainings
  • To provided good governance, and capacity building training to the civil servant (government institution employees)
  • To provide the vocational training, entrepreneur, business and marketing trainings.